Tangled Web
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Thanks for your support everyone.
We have been doing a lot of thinking lately trying to figure out what exactly what happened so maybe we can prevent it from happening again. I have thought about putting this post on the T board but decided to put it here instead because it is more about feelings than T.
Our T has proven to us that she is very good at what she does.........It has been such a very, very long time since we have experienced such emotions from within us and it took me completely by surprise. And scared the hell out of me. Not exactly sure how this happened because this place we have scratched unexpectedly hasn't been gotten to for YEARS!
This might sound really stupid but I just figured when people would tell me this was going to be hard work, that my understanding of that was well yes I know that.........but I thought it would be hard in the way of keeping things under control and functioning and talking..........and contained most of all.
I had no idea it would be this HARD! You put feelings into the mix of that and all hell breaks lose. You start to make connections and realizations you didn't know were there and it is defeating in a sense. Accepting is very hard. Then there comes the conflict from within........wanting to run very far away from it all.......and wanting to talk to T. Talking to T makes things worse inside. And the people who control the defenses are rapidly trying to figure out what happened so they can prevent it from happening again. I am trying to change the way I say things ....like she isn't trying to get to us, she isn't doing this to destroy us........but it is so hard when we feel threatened. I don't know why we feel threatened but we do.........this is ALL so very new and I think well this is progress..........but it doesn't feel like progress......it feels like the undoing of us.
Something inside just clicked.....don't know how it happened......but to realize my parents were monsters......and so very sick and dysfunctional.........and yes even though I fought very hard to NOT be like them........I still think the way they do!
So trying accept the fact that when we say oh it wasn't that bad ............but starting to realize it was "that bad" or maybe it was that bad...................has left us frozen, stuck.........It was a huge blow!
Realizing that it isn't enough ALL the things we portray to the outside and try so very hard to be a good person.........and keep ALL the thoughts "hidden" of how we really feel or what we really think.......and seeing that for the first time and how we adapt ourselves to every situation so no one will know..........was a shock. A huge shock!
So much has happened internally and it snow balled like a domino effect and they all fell down.
We are supposed to see T on Tuesday and I have decided to keep that appointment and fight the strong urge we have to run and go. And even though it terrifies the hell out of me..........maybe she can help put the words to what has been happening. And help figure out where we go from here. I was in T for 4 years with our previous T and NEVER got to this place...........So that is one of the reasons this was so unexpected. I didn't think it was possible.
It just feels like everything is a lie. A fantasy...........that we have created. Yes I understand there are reasons but they never seem to be good enough. Things I believed that everyone thinks like that.....they just don't say it out loud.......and realizing that is NOT true. So I ask myself....what else is NOT true...........but I don't have the strength or courage to find those answers right now.
How do you accept all of this and then forgive yourself? My T has told us numerous times.....but that is what you learned growing up........your parents taught you that. That doesn't seem to be a good enough reason either........ok so they taught me that so what?
I guess I find myself looking at the world I have lived in for the last 40 some odd years thinking it wasn't that bad.......and seeing this other world in front of us and actually seeing it and looking at it..........it is so very different, strange, terrifying, and confusing. I have tried to compare and find similarities but they are so very different. So I am starting to see and look at where I am but so unsure if this "new" world I am seeing is actually the right place to try to go. How do you know? Just because T says so isn't enough for me. There needs to be something more.......there needs to be some kind of proof.........something........but I am not sure what that is yet.
So things have been chaotic and add the feelings to that it has been down right impossible to make any kind of sense out of this. I have been chipping away at it and trying to sort it all out but the chunk that has fell off is much bigger than I could ever have imagined.
Sorry if this hasn't made a heck of a lot of sense........it is hard to finish a complete thought and have things flow.......
Thanks for listening.
"You may not remember what someone says or does, but you will never forget how they made you feel" Mac Anderson.
11-02-2013, 01:14 PM |
Posts: 36
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Joined: Nov 2013
Sometimes I just draw a picture if I've run out of photocopies of him or if it's someone or a situation of whom I do not have a photograph. That's when my crayons and paper come in handy. I have some heavier paper stock that I bought at Staples, so it takes a heavier beating before it becomes confetti. Oh yeah, I safety pin it in several spots so it stays in place for its beating. I feel good just thinking about it. Hope it helps. Be kind to yourself, after this kind of purge. I get tired, but exuberant. Then I put my anger away in a safe, strong closet with the intention that when I check back, I may find a clue, another flake or breadcrumb to help me understand its absolutely, justifiable roots. If it's ready before I am, we agree, it just taps politely on the door. What my anger has revealed to me may be too painful to accept at that moment, but at least we have another piece of the puzzle. I don't get hijacked as often since I started doing this. Take care, swing away!
11-07-2013, 09:45 AM |
here and there..
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11-13-2013, 06:32 PM |