feeling stuck (CHR)
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dreamers Offline
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May trigger  feeling stuck (CHR)
charamatic CHR content not about anyone here...we'll scroll mentions d**th
A few times I have just known before anyone else or at least before anyone let on to me when someone close to me was going to d*e. I just got this feeling about 6 months before my grandma took a turn for the worse... I believe it was God's way of preparing me since my foo never shares anything that might even ressemble bad news before they have to with me ( since I refuse to stuff all emotions like they do... but, thats a different post).

Anyway now a close, very close, non-christian friend is going through med stuff that could have serious complications... and I have that same feeling I had about my grandma. I don't know if it is really prophetic this time or if I am just afraid or how to tell which it is. If it is prophetic I don't know what
i'm supposed to do with the message. He's not a Christian and thus won't believe me and i dont think i have to go into why it makes it harder that he isnt one... anyway, I would have to be very sure before I told him, getting any prophecy wrong is bad but, especially ones with this theme...
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05-28-2012, 08:20 AM
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The Warren Offline
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Spiritual content  RE: feeling stuck (CHR)
I feel like if you are unsure what you are supposed to do, then praying about it may help. I think if you ask God and are patient then the answer will come. It could be your worry that you feel this way or it could be your feeling is right. Maybe the message is only for you to know. I would pray about this a lot to help sort it out.
"And I'm a million different people from one day to the next." - The Verve, Bittersweet Symphony
05-28-2012, 09:57 AM
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Elizabethn Offline
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RE: feeling stuck (CHR)
Dreamers, if I were in your shoes, I'd consider that sense of having a message to be for me and me only. It's not something that would make anyone feel better by sharing it, y'know? Not that you would run out and tell someone, "I got a message from God that you're going to die." But I can empathize with feeling really burdened with this and wondering what to do with it.
05-30-2012, 09:25 PM
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The People Offline
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RE: feeling stuck (CHR)
(05-28-2012, 08:20 AM)dreamers Wrote: charamatic CHR content not about anyone here...we'll scroll mentions d**th
A few times I have just known before anyone else or at least before anyone let on to me when someone close to me was going to d*e. I just got this feeling about 6 months before my grandma took a turn for the worse... I believe it was God's way of preparing me since my foo never shares anything that might even ressemble bad news before they have to with me ( since I refuse to stuff all emotions like they do... but, thats a different post).

Anyway now a close, very close, non-christian friend is going through med stuff that could have serious complications... and I have that same feeling I had about my grandma. I don't know if it is really prophetic this time or if I am just afraid or how to tell which it is. If it is prophetic I don't know what
i'm supposed to do with the message. He's not a Christian and thus won't believe me and i dont think i have to go into why it makes it harder that he isnt one... anyway, I would have to be very sure before I told him, getting any prophecy wrong is bad but, especially ones with this theme...
I Am My Only Chance For A Hero!
06-06-2012, 04:44 AM
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The People Offline
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Friendship/Support  RE: feeling stuck (CHR)
I don't think you have to worry about what his beliefs are although it may feel that way. You can just be there for him and pray etc and just hope that he picks up on it. In the end it is not our place to judge what happens to others at the end. That is a great relief to me. Knowing the decision is out of my hands. I don't thinkk his beliefs will be held against him (IMO); more the life he led. Remember thestory of the Good Samaratin?
I Am My Only Chance For A Hero!
06-06-2012, 04:47 AM
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