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Mosaic, I am sorry! - Printable Version

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Mosaic, I am sorry! - The People - 03-05-2020

I wanted to apologize for the other night but cannot find the original post. When I stated that you would need to learn about addictions I did not mean for it to be an insult.

I had a food addiction that is now controlled by celiac disease. I think the wine has replaced the food that I am now restricted from. The list grows longer all the time. Eggs are the latest to go. Very sad as they are such an easy meal that I enjoy. I used to buy beer and have 1-2 but GF beer is expensive.

I know you don't drink but even Ts who do drink don't understand the complexities of my ED issues. If I was to look at point Zero it would probably be Grey with red string moving across the map to other teens. Like I said, complex. But what about DID is easy? Well, Two is easy as she has daily therapy with Katy the Kitty so we always know what she is thinking.

I am sorry if you felt insulted. I enjoy your conversations and I was out of line with the way I spoke.

RE: Mosaic, I am sorry! - mosaic - 03-05-2020

oh my gosh i was not insulted in the least! i understand that addiction is complicated, and it's so easy to move from one addictive thing to another - and your ED issues are a huge additional complication.

i enjoy our conversations as well. i hope i didn't come across as somehow dismissing or invalidating your struggle.

RE: Mosaic, I am sorry! - The People - 03-06-2020

Not at all Mosaic. You hadn't responded. As soon as I shut down I realized that I may have come across as judgemental of you. That is the problem with the written word.

I too love our discussions. I learn from them and I hope that you do as well. We are all different and I am proud to know you with ll that you have achieved.Smile