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Therun Fleury on TV - Printable Version

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Therun Fleury on TV - The People - 01-19-2016

May be MT for some. Will scroll.


3We couldn't watch the whole show because he uses the F word as often as he fights on the ice. He was a Calgary Flames player (hockey for those who don't follow). He coughed up on his coach a few decades ago. Instantly the world of coaches and others who volunteered or worked with minors changed. Everybody had to have a crim check before they could work with kids or other populations that needed to be kept safe. I remember feeling angry. I liked the fact that the rules were in place, even if they don't do a helluva lot. But when girls came out about teachers or kids came out about scout leaders nothing changed. It was the almighty hockey that made people open there eyes. Not widely but more than they had been.

He was at a gathering after he wrote a book about his experience. Well, before he wrote the book he got sober. He said that while people came up and asked for his signature not one person even patted his arm and whispered "I'm sorry that happened to you."

I don't think it is much better today. Sure the shows are all over television but people just talk about how that show is intriguing because of how they solve the crimes and that one is really cute or whatever. SA is still the skeleton that is at the back of the closet.

RE: Therun Fleury on TV - nats - 01-19-2016

SA may be the ultimate 'don't ask, don't tell'.. everyone hears about it, nobody wants to talk to you about it.

RE: Therun Fleury on TV - The People - 01-19-2016

We get so furious! Sure they rant on Facebook about abusers and what they would like to do to them but never any concern for the victim/survivor is mentioned. Maybe some of it is "if I say something people will know that things happened to me too!

RE: Therun Fleury on TV - nats - 01-20-2016

despite all that has changed in the past decades, SA still seems a scary mystery to most. something interesting to hear about and get upset about but not to understand. we get the impression that to many people SA victims are destroyed, so if someone is worse than dead all that can be done is to do is prevent or punish perpetrators. maybe we're wrong, but even calling ourselves survivors doesn't seem to fit how it's perceived. and what's up with the new victim-survivor label? guess overall it's good when someone famous comes forward.